Bully Dogs Series
Bullying in its various forms is prevalent in schools around the globe, and sadly, many children learn, practice and experience bullying beginning at a very young age. To those being bullied, bullies often appear intimidating, strong and confident. They wreak havoc on a child’s self esteem and confidence while working hard to improve their own.
Anyone who has been bullied knows that dealing with a bully is a daunting task. But there are ways. The first step is for school-aged children to talk about the topic. Author Jacquie Ream’s pre-teen series, Bully Dogs, creates the perfect opportunity for school-aged children from elementary to junior high to do just that.

Book One: Bully Dogs
Faced with her neighbor’s three ferocious dogs, and a group of girls at school determined to put her down, Fran isn’t sure whether to stand up for herself or sit the tough times out. Fran’s chore-centric mother is no help! And one of her best friends, Annie, has begun hanging out with the bullies.
When Fran sees that her school’s volleyball team won’t succeed unless the bullying ends, she realizes she’ll have to stand up for herself. But who should she face first: the vicious-looking dogs who chase her to school, or the girls who try to make her feel bad about being herself?
As Fran begins to discover her own strength and find her self-confidence, she sees bullies are like growling dogs who just won’t go away. And Bully Dogs proves that when it comes to bullies, their bark can be worse than their bite!
Read Bully Dogs Online for FREE!
Book 2: YNK (You Never Know)
It is not easy to be 13 and going into the seventh grade. Frances Reed, our gal from Bully Dogs, once again faces her peers in, YNK You Never Know, second in a series about her coming of age.
Fran gets a new look, a first kiss and a revised perspective on her relationships with boys, girlfriends and parents. She has to once again deal with bullies, and with some tragic consequences of bad choices.
Through all the whirlwind changes, Frances must make moral decisions that impact her relationships with her parents, her girlfriends and her boy/friend, redefining herself along the way. People change, circumstances change, from one minute to the next, life changes, and you never know what will happen next.
Read YNK (You Never Know) Online for FREE!
Book Three: A Penny in Time
Life is dumping a load of changes on thirteen-year-old Dusty, one of Fran’s close friends. Her best friend only cares about makeup and boys. Her recently divorced dad has a new girlfriend who loves everything frilly and pink. And she’s wondering about the strange feelings she has for her friend Frank.
A fantastical trip in another dimension—or was it only a dream?—gives Dusty a fuller perspective and points her in the right direction in A Penny in Time, third in a series about Fran and her friends coming of age. Dusty learns she cannot change those around her but she can remain in charge of her choices—when to adapt, how much to compromise, and most important, how to remain true to herself.
Read A Penny in Time Online for FREE!
- Chapter 1: Two Halves are Not a Whole
- Chapter 2: Tell Me Again Why I Should Listen
- Chapter 3: True Lies
- Chapter 4: I Do Again Part 1 and Part 2
- Chapter 5: Soul Surfing Part 1 and Part 2
- Chapter 6: R-E-S-P-E-C-T Part 1 and Part 2
- Chapter 7: Changin’ Addi Paddi Part 1 and Part 2
- Chapter 8: To be Part Part 1 and Part 2
- Chapter 9: Courage Part 1 and Part 2
Book Four: Forever and a Day
Fran has loved Dean from the first kiss when they were in 7th grade until the present when they are college students.
As a young adult with responsibilities as a college student, a grown daughter and a loyal friend to Annie and Dusty, she must make decisions that have deep and life altering consequences. But what she would like to do is run away with her Kindle and find a spot on a deserted beach, read, and forget about Dean, Dusty, Annie, her Grandmother, and the whole lot of family, friends and boyfriend.
With the betrayal of her love and her friend, Fran must put back together her life from the shattered illusions she has had and redefine what is love and what is friendship? Can she rewrite this drama of hers and create another scenario? Can she look on the other side of dreams, intentions and aspirations, and see a whole picture? Or, is it even worth the effort?
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About the Author

Jacquie Ream
Jacquie Ream was born in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, and raised in San Bernardino, California. She attended college by way of writing scholarships and received her Master’s degree in creative writing from the University of Washington.
Jacquie has written three children’s books, numerous short stories, an adult fiction novel, Forcing the Hand of God as well as KISS, a simple reference book that teaches school age children how to write effectively. Jacquie’s upcoming releases include two adult fiction novels, a young adult novel, and a preschool children’s illustrated coloring book.
Jacquie has taught classes in creative writing for ages five through sixty-five years of age and is a passionate advocate for the importance of learning proper writing skills. She has been interviewed numerous times, both in print and on television and radio. She currently lives in Seattle, Washington, with her husband.