Books Fiction and Non-Fiction

Bully Dogs
Middle-grade Fiction | 1st book in the Bully Dog Series
Fran, a young girl, learns to stand up to her classmates and the neighborhood dogs that harass her.

YNK (You Never Know)
Middle-grade Fiction | 2nd book in the Bully Dog Series
The continuing story of Fran as she gets a new look, a first kiss and a revised perspective on her relationships with boys, girlfriends, parents and dealing with a different kind of bullying.

A Penny in Time
Middle-grade Fiction | 3rd book in the Bully Dog Series
Fran’s friend Dusty learns about herself as she copes with the divorce of her parents and crossing the threshold from childhood to her teens.

Forcing the Hand of God
Adult Fiction
A timeless story of self realization and the internal and external conflicts that are part of life for a military professional and the family and friends who love him/her.

KISS: Keep It Short and Simple
A reference book for school children, teachers and parents that shows the Easy Steps for Better Writing.