Jenny Adams and The Power of Words
I am thrilled to introduce to you a new guest writer here on my blog: Jenny Adams, motivational speaker and fellow anti-bullying advocate. She also happens to be my husband’s niece! Today’s guest blog post is a short introduction to Jenny and her work. Watch for more from Jenny in the coming months.
“I am an entrepreneur of a motivational speaking business SHIFT.Through SHIFT I have an anti-bullying/pro-inclusion campaign called “The Power of Words.” This anti-bullying/pro-inclusion campaign was inspired by my own experiences with the power of words in my life. This campaign demonstrates to students the power of words and how they affect the world around them. The “Power of Words” message has a great impact on youth as I use a mixture of humor and frankness to reach them in a profound way. I also have a question and answer portion to the assembly along with teaching the kids a song. I am also the former Ms. Wheelchair America 2014 and have shared the message of the “Power of Words” all over the nation in schools and youth conferences.
I also have a workshop, “Discover Your Identity.” This workshop was inspired by my own search and discovery of my identity. I was born with partial limbs and have overcome my limitations by knowing my identity. I have shared the message of this powerful workshop throughout the U.S. in schools, universities, businesses, and conferences.
I know the power of identity from my own life experiences, therefore my passion is that youth would connect with their identity and purpose in the world. This is a great workshop for leadership and diversity training. This life changing, interactive workshop inspires students to discover and pursue their identity and purpose by unlocking the power of mutual encouragement and vision.
I also do advocacy work for people with disabilities. You may learn more about me and my story on my website
I believe in where I am going. I believe one day there will be stadiums of people waiting to hear me speak. I believe my business will go international.”
And here’s a fascinating article I found at Psychology Today that provides more information about the scientific evidence for the power of words and practical advice for moderating your own speech patterns to avoid inflicting emotional pain on others.
When Words Are Weapons: 10 Responses Everyone Should Avoid
Do your words do you and others justice?
by Peg Streep,
“Of all the adages that get bandied about, perhaps the most wrong-headed is ‘Sticks and stones can break my bones/ But words can never harm me.’ We all know from experience that it isn’t true –whether we wept with shame in the schoolyard as children, were reduced to quivering jelly by a parent’s criticism, or were torn apart by a lover’s contempt—but now science knows why.
It turns out that the brain receptors for physical and emotional pain are one and the same so, yes, you can have your heart and spirit broken more literally than not. There’s some evidence that the over-the-counter remedy for physical pain works for emotional pain too. It turns out too that when pain is inflicted intentionally, the hurt is greater—which is all the more reason to pay attention to the words that come out of our mouths. Years ago, when I was in graduate school in English, there was a professor who was justly famous for his withering put-downs of his students; it was said that his insults were so subtle and “rapier swift” that the victim wouldn’t know he’d been wounded until he saw the “blood.”” Read the entire article>>