A World War II Pilot wagers love, family and honor - Forcing the Hand of God
It is the late 30s and Fighter Pilot Major Rodger Brown of the Flying Tigers is deep in the thick of World War II. Back home, his pregnant wife , long time friend, parents and younger sisters anxiously await his return. Torn between his obligations to his country and family, Roger is a man tormented by the realization that he prefers battle in the air than the drudgery or everyday life on the ground.
Forcing The Hand of God evokes a time (World War II) when men and women found the courage to do the necessary, the objectionable and even the unthinkable to defend their lives and preserve the essential fabric of this country. It is also a timeless story of self realization and the internal and external conflicts that are part of life for a military professional and the family and friends who love him/her.
Read Forcing the Hand of God on Jacquie's blog for FREE:
Forcing the Hand of God: Chapter 1
Forcing the Hand of God: Chapter 2

J. Wilson |